Tuesday, 22 January 2013

It Was A Good Day

Before we left the house yesterday, it seemed like we hadn't made a trip to the second hand store in some time now; sometimes a thought crosses my mind and I think of the things that we might have missed-out on during the days that we didn't go. Haha

I have been on a total cold streak as of late, I can't seem to find anything while browsing.  Holly on the other hand...

Lately I've been surprised by how much stuff that we find that we genuinely collect. Here is another vintage Care Bear plate that will look great somewhere, someday.

I decided to bring home Jiminy Cricket; you don't see enough of him around anymore. 

We were hit with another winter storm dumping today.  According to the radio, it was more than the meteorologists had anticipated.  I guess that's it,  you can't control the weather!


  1. I used to have a pink Jiminy Cricket cup with googely eyes - wish it was still around....


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