Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Dandy Ol' Finds

This entry has been sitting in my draft folder for a few days now but I need to edit and post ASAP because I am dying to hit the hay right now; so this one is going to be quick and easy.

It was a good idea to stop into the second hand store late last week as we came out with a few very unexpected, nice finds.

I'm just going to steal the picture Holly posted on her Instagram. 

The mug is from the Get Along Gang, a Saturday Morning cartoon back when saturday morning cartoons were much more popular.  It was another greeting card project designed by American Greetings during the 1980s that developed into a toy line and just about anything else you can think off.

The Get Along Gang was a little before my time so I never watched it and to be honest, I can't even remember it existing until pretty recently.  But anyway this Montgomery Moose mug is one of my favorite thing's that we've found during our last few hunts.

We also found this Raggedy Anne and Andy blanket; not sure what year this could be from but my guess would be 80s or 90s.

Linking up with Sir Thrift A Lot.


  1. Nice little post. Its a pillowcase though, not a blanket! :)

  2. Looks like you could have a cupful with that mug!! You're on your toes, i would not have even known that was from a tv show!


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