Wednesday, 8 January 2014

1983 Care Bears Pizza Hut Glasses

When I think about Care Bears I really can't help but also think about pizza.

Okay, not exactly but Pizza Hut seemed to think so as they produced several promotional items during the 80s featuring the those lovable bears.

For instance, in 1983 the pizza franchise released a set of six glasses each featuring one of the Care Bears; Cheer Bear, Good Luck Bear, Friend Bear, Tenderheart Bear, Grumpy Bear, and Funshine Bear.  Two glasses for the price of just 99 cents with the purchase of a - what else, a pizza.

We've only been lucky enough to thrift a Grumpy Bear glass in the past - which met it's demise after taking a fall to the floor.

But for Christmas I was gifted a near complete set of these glasses.  Missing just two from the set: Friend Bear and Good Luck Bear.  It appears that those two had a much lower production run than the main 4 hence why they can be found in the $30+ price range on the secondary market.

Here's the official Pizza Hut commercial for these glasses.  I find it funny that they only mention four of the Bears and make it seem as if they were the only tumblers released.

Linking up with Sir Thrift A Lot!

1 comment:

  1. That's a really nice gift, wouldn't want any mishaps with them. I never see anything vintage Care Bears now!


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